Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Tips for Success

I *LOVE* this post by Mapgirl of PFblog fame. I realized as i was browsing it that these points are exactly the checklist i go through when encouraging someone to undertake anything big, such as start a new job, start college, etc. Especially those who are themselves relatively new to this country... these are great foundation stones to start from, and will help not only the jobseeker but his or her prospective employer!

Exito! -tu Shaki ;)

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Lesson 1

Yeah, the pic is a political one, but i'm choosing to view it from the Credit Card crunch perspective-- even Dark Lords need to charge once in awhile!
OK, it's only the first week of 2009 (the greatest year ever!) and ALREADY i've found a way to apply the negatives of 2008 to the happenings of the new year. So... let's say you found out that a relationship which you thought was going to be fun and productive -- is turning out funky and dramatic ... and has you feeling more like you are cultivating an enemy! What do you do?

Well, in the last week or so, i have gotten so, so, SO many notices from my "friendly" credit card companies telling me that i have been a very negligent friend to them. And that they really don't like how i'm not paying them enough attention. Scratch that. I'm not paying them, period! That is, i have not carried a balance for 2 years now, and therefore, they are ending our relationship.

Hey! Now, i know you're thinking, "Well, if you haven't used credit cards, they have a right to pull the plug!" And you're right. But it still leaves me feeling, "Dude, i wasn't ignoring you! I kept you right on my desk the whole time. I've been feeling the security of your Credit Limits. I appreciate your presence, and ... by the way, the fact that i had to pay you SO much interest in the past, doesn't that count for something? Did i not spend hundreds of dollars in finance charges on you when i was digging myself out of debt?" Did i ever say to you, "Mr. Credit Card, you know, i don't feel appreciated when you charge me so much interest. I'm dumping you."

No. But dump ME they did. Because basically, i've realized, i'm too good for them! And that's the key...

They kept me around because they thought i would not be progressive. They thought that i'd be stagnant, stuck in my debt forever. But NO! Just lock the door! Don't turn around, now ... Cuz you're not wel-come anymore! That DEBT is GONE!

So, the debt is gone... and it feels so good. And seeing, once a year, that beautiful balance "$0.00" on my annual statements was utter deliciousness. But then-- Mr. Credit Card decides i'm not exciting enough for him anymore. I don't NEED him like i used to. He's too busy for ME now!

Well, guess what. Like toxic relationships, sometimes we've got to cut loose or be cut. And, even though it's hard getting cut out, sometimes one has to sit back and realize...

I really was TOO GOOD for him! :)

tu Shaki :)


Of, course, that means BEGIN! Which is SO what Shaki needs to do right now. Ever have so many little dreams that none of them seems big enough to knock the others out and get itself fulfilled?
Well, i decided that 2009 is a great year, just waiting for excitement! Yes, that's what i like, i admit it. When one takes those silly personality tests, what is one thing that always appeals to me? Uh... danger. excitement. scary-ness.. (is that a word?) desafío. challenge. Even sometimes change, although change can wear me out, too. And i've had quite a load of change this past year.
La cosa bonita about change: it always teaches you something. And i should be a professor by now. A co-worker asked me, "Don't you regret those risks you took last year?" And i have to be honest, my answer was...


Why? Because #1: I gave people chances. #2: In giving people chances, i trusted them. #3: In trusting people, i showed them respect and love... and gave them a challenge, too. To trust me! #4: I forgave. How can you forgive, unless you put yourself out there to possibly get hurt? #5: After repeating #4 a couple thousand times (ok, it just felt like it!), I moved on.

To me, así es la vida. That is life. How boring would life be if we never took a chance on friends, family, loves, challenges, learning, accomplishment? I don't think we were created to be bored to death. That's why i gave away my television. That's right. You heard me correctly. I refuse to sit on my tush watching other people's lives... "Life" is a verb for me! VIDA!!!

So i hate being bored, i look forward to 2009 and some challenging goals, i learned from my --not "mistakes"-- ADVENTURES of the past, and am willing to "luchar con el angel"... work for my blessings.

Shaki must go... but i'll be back! :) xoxo